Senin, 18 Oktober 2021

My thoughts on multiculturalism v.03

It's miraculous how multiculturalism is glorified now globally, I think we should thank the western culture especially the hollywood for really promoting it and actually living and practicing it in the modern world (and actually made them work). As Indonesian I know that our country has been about multiculturalism for ages and we also made it work impressively, and as a person who has been experiencing both cultures I'd like to present a line that has been crossed. 

When comes to the business world it should be about what's effective and efficient, forcing multiculturalism in the business world is so disrespectful of scarcity it invites hatred of diversity, such hatred is hard to dismiss. 

I believe that multiculturalism works, homogenity could work also, in the business world we should take advantage of the both worlds. Diversity that works doesn't necessarily always free of discrimination as well, sometimes a team only wants 2 Indian people, 2 Indonesian people, and 1 Chinese... some people wanted different composition, and to achieve this there must be discrimination and it's fine. 

Racism or discrimination is bad when comes to justice. Justice is when everybody got what they wanted and needed whenever they wanted and needed them (forever). So discrimination to Justice really is bad, but we can't say that discrimination for the sake of effectiveness and efficiency in businesses are against Justice. The more prosperity of one's group the more they could afford to expand their world, and it is in our nature to expand our universe. It is important though, to be humble before we could afford it. 

There is a momentum that's hard to change if we kept on living in a homogenous environment, that is an obstacle to multiculturalism, if businesses could really found the balance in diversities, they would excel beyond their competitors while promoting multiculturalism at the same time. Regulation forcing multiculturalism that invades people's businesses is an obstacle to true multiculturalism to take place. 

Those are my arguments. 

I absolutely not advocating for discriminatory behaviors in the workplace or anywhere, what I want is less reason for people to be like that. We could always meet each other in public events, entertainment events, or religious events. Through media we spread the protocol that's universally appreciated by anyone from all races and cultures, through the spread of religion we have the congregation to interact with different kinds of people (take the good and throw away the bad), through sports and e-sports competitions we appreciate each other's competitive talents while acknowledging our own rooms for improvements relative to them. Through online gaming we immerse ourselves in myriad amount of team mates from all kinds of backgrounds 

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2021

Philosophy I got from playing FFBE - War of the Visions v.03

I'm the type of guy who don't really like monopoly or oligopoly, whether it is in terms of goods and services or in terms of power. I mean, a central global government is a bad idea because it supposed to incorporate the concerns of micro lifestyle of people within their rules, there's no way, therefore they're just going to make rules that are to be broken. Unless, they made just guidelines and stated that they were just there for guidelines and not for enforcement at the micro level, then that's just the UN.

The experience of living would be dulled when one only seeked to achieve power without having any protocol of its relief beforehand. Centralized, decentralized both are important administrations in existence, what a waste of time just obsessing over one. Ideally you'd centralize leadership in the face of some particular problems, and then after they're solved, you disband to make space for some other new centralizations in terms of different problems. Being at the very top all the time hardly means the glorification of competence. 

Well unfortunately the reality of the situation is, we haven't articulated the complete protocol for that yet, rendering us having to deal with power hunger attitudes and the disgusting acceptance of the relevance of it in reality. Ever once in a while though people who lived for that should be reminded that ultimately there already exist the ultimate centralized protocol for everything, that is the Truth (we just haven't had the good sense of Him yet). Be careful not to be tempted to take over the place of the Truth, all sorts of problems would arise and the only appropriate treatment of that is the destruction of the spirit (that's doing that), which is the system that you'd be on if so was the case.

FFBE -  WOTV in my opinion is a good place to experience the manifestation of this, or maybe other gacha as well in general. In the game you could spend your time to farm for the most valuable, rarest materials, the most expensive. For so you need the strongest characters and level them up using the most valuable, rarest materials. But wait, also the common materials, the not so rare ones. What ended up happening is all of those time spent for pursuing such "greatness" would put you in a situation where you couldn't experience the game optimally, due to all the time spent for the rarest of the rare you kept on doing the same quest over and over again, using the same characters over and over again, getting the same results over and over again. When comes the time to upgrade your asset, the common materials became the rare materials, because all you got was the "rare" materials... now ok it might be not that big of a deal since such common materials could be "traded" or bought easily using the proceeds from all the hard ventures you've done, but if every so often you stumbled upon such situation, wouldn't your subconscious feel like all of those "rareness" you've acquired are not rare, and all of those "common" things were the ones that are precious? Yet your logic kept on bashing your feelings saying that "commoners are commoners", keep on trying to correct you of such "appropriateness". 

Why even are we here keep on doing this anyway? All of these repositories of beautiful and cool characters ended up being ornaments of the gallery while 5 or 10 "Elite" characters experienced everything? I bet they also felt sick of it at the very core. 

Why are we in Gacha games anyway? One of the perk of such games is their myriad of characters that we could experience with, the beauty of their design, the magnificence of their animation. Yet we abandoned all of those enjoyments, repeating the same thing over and over again, just for the sake of power? 

What is the product of God? What is it that God is offering us humans? Experiences, the taste of a fish when you're hungry, the taste of a fish when you're full, the occurences of luck and the bitterness of misfortunes and the lessons we've gained. Experiences of hatred and forgiveness, affection and restrain, confusion and revelation. Why are we missing all of those for the same thing over and over again?

Patience you say? But patience in a formula that had not incorporated such consideration in essence would never going to take me there, right? unless I changed it. 


I think being political is not bad, everything could be bad including being a doctor if you're a bad doctor. However this is the important thing, which is to make sure that the right people got the right roles, moreover politician could be the ones who are the guardian of the integrity. The problem is all roles including politician, (now I feel bad for them because they are the ones who are always presented this out in the open), could be all about power instead of about justice and people just let it happen. Frustrating